We are glad you’re here. According to statistics from the CDC, eating disorders affect at least 30 million people in the US. You are not alone; we’re here to help.

While there are a number of Eating Disorders, we specialize in treating the following:

  • Anorexia Nervosa:  Those suffering from Anorexia Nervosa are not getting enough calories which results in a low body weight.  They are also intensely fearful of gaining weight or engage in persistent behavior in which they interfere with weight gain, such as excessively exercising. They feel their body weight and shape determine their worthiness.
  • Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD):  BDD is characterized by an obsession with one’s physical appearance, specifically an imaginary defect. Those suffering from BDD have false misconceptions about parts of their body and become intensely concerned by what they feel are defects in their appearance.
  • Bulimia Nervosa:  Those suffering from Bulimia Nervosa engage in binge eating in which a larger amount of food is consumed within a two-hour period, accompanied by a sense that they are out of control. They then compensate by fasting, self-induced vomiting, excessive use of laxatives and diuretics.
  • Binge Eating Disorder:  Those suffering from Binge Eating Disorder are engaging in recurrent episodes of eating an amount of food that is larger than the norm, within a two-hour period. This is accompanied by a feeling of lack of control, eating more rapidly than normal and eating until uncomfortably full. Usually this is done alone because of the feelings of guilt and depression that follow.

In addition, over half of anorexia nervosa patients also suffer from an anxiety disorder such as Social Phobia and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).


Is an Eating Disorder really that serious?

Yes. Eating Disorders have the highly mortality rate of any mental illness. If you suspect that you are suffering from an Eating Disorder, please contact us today to begin your recovery. We are experts in the treatment of Eating Disorders and can help; you are not alone in this journey.

My mom was always “on me” about being fat, even though I feel—I know, now as an adult—that I’m pretty normal weight-wise. Could she have had an Eating Disorder? Is this genetic and am I still at risk for developing one?

In a study published by the Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, it was found that 50% to 80% of the risk for Anorexia and Bulimia is genetic. Your self-awareness is admirable and you have clearly done much work around this issue already. We are here to help you avoid this becoming a life-long issue.


Seeking help is critical and empowering for your recovery and healing. EDs are isolating but you are not alone. We are with you on this journey.

We are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of Eating Disorders. As mentioned, those suffering from EDs experience the highest mortality rate of any mental illness.  We can help you on your journey towards wellness and health.


Please give us a call today at (217) 345-4642 or contact us via the form below so that see how we can best be of help.  We look forward to hearing from you.

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